The Bombing of Sterling Hall
Aug 24, 1970 - Madison, WI

The most powerful and damaging domestic terrorist bombing in the United States up until that point. The target was the Army Math Research Center that was housed in the building. The blast was audible in Belleville 30 miles away and pieces of the stolen van containing the bomb landed atop an eight-story building three blocks away. Twenty-six buildings in the area sustained damage. At least one patient was injured by flying glass in University Hospital, which at the time was located right across Charter Street.

A researcher working in the building, Robert Fassnacht, was killed.

Four Madison men, protesting the United States involvement in Vietnam, were eventually sought in connection with the bombing.


Photos on Wisconsin Historical Society

In these pictures you can see where the bricks are different colors from when the wall was repaired.

Plaque dedicated Friday May 18, 2007
Fassnacht's twin daughters Heidi & Karin attended the dedication, his widow, Stephanie, and son, Christopher, did not.
Heidi thanked the University for the plaque but declined to comment further.

  • Robert E. Fassnacht (33) - Killed in the explosion - Wikipedia
  • Karleton "Karl" Armstrong - Leader of the group - Arrested in Canada in 1972, 23 year prison sentence - Paroled in 1980.
  • Dwight Armstrong - Karl's brother, captured in 1977 - 7 year sentence - Paroled in 1980
  • David Fine (17) - Captured in 1976 and served three years
  • Leo Burt has never been found

  • Ford Econoline van
    Sterling Hall - 475 N. Charter St.
    ANFO Bomb - Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil - The same type that was used in the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.
    Rads: The 1970 Bombing of the Army Math Research Center at the University of Wisconsin and Its Aftermath - Book written by Tom bates (1992)
    The Madison Bombings: The Story of One of the Two Largest Vehicle-Bombings Ever - Book written by Michael Morris (1988)