Epileptic Driver Runs Over East High Girls
Oct 15, 1991 - Madison, WI

Becky Peat & Margaret Piper were killed when they were struck by a van, driven by Curtis Rasmussen as they crossed in a crosswalk on E. Washington Ave. at 4th St. right in front of East High, on their way to school. He said he had an Epileptic seizure.

Rasmussen was convicted of Second-degree reckless homicide and sentenced to 3 years in jail, 10 years probation. He served just more than two years.

A candlelight vigil was held at the intersection two days later with mourners holding candles and signs. A row of candles burned on the median where the van came to rest. Signs urging motorists to drive safely were attached to the fence that had stretched the length of the median before part of it was ripped down by the van.

Family members left flowers as a memorial on the fence until about 2007 when a revamping project of East Washington Avenue changed the fence.

Peat/Piper Scholarship Fund - Each year scholarships are given to four Madison East High School students in the names of Becky and Burkie.

Sophomore Becky Peat (16) - Killed day after her birthday
Sophomore Margaret "Burkie" Piper (15)
Curtis Rasmussen (24)