Teen Falls Nine Stories From Downtown Roof, How Did it Happen?
Aug 20, 1995 - Madison, WI

Lindsay Jenkins fell nine stories from atop the La Ville Apartments. She had been at a party on the sixth floor of the building.

People from the party were going through the building vandalizing and breaking windows, including a window of the locked door that leads to the rooftop. Jenkins was seen sitting on the ledge, dangling her legs over the side and talking to people below.

No one saw Jenkins fall or heard her scream. Her body was found in an alley between the apartment building and the Open Pantry Store. Her brother, Jody, who had also been at the party, arrived shortly after she was found. He rolled her over and realized she was dead.

Preliminary toxicology tests showed she had alcohol and other drugs in her body. Police learned from witnesses that Jenkins had told them she took LSD as recently as the night before.

Lindsay Michele Jenkins (16)
Brian Weber (19)
La Ville Apartments - 431 W. Gorham St.
Open Pantry - Formerly at 437 W. Gorham St.