Three Young People Killed by Drunk Driver
Oct 7, 2010 - Madison, WI

Four University of Minnesota students had stopped their car to change a flat tire on Interstate 39/90/94 in Madison when it was hit from behind by a car driven by Bradley Erickson. Three young people were outside the car, the driver of was still inside.

Marcus Johnson and Wilfredo Ugarte were killed at the scene. The third person outside the car, Carlos Rios, jumped the median wall and was uninjured. Elysia Rapp was taken to UW Hospital where she died.

Bradley Erickson - Drunk Driver
Carlos Rios - Survivor
Marcus S. Johnson (20) - Milwaukee
Elysia Rapp (20) - Racine
Wilfredo Ugarte (23) - Puerto Rico

Aug 18, 2011 - Erickson Pleads No Contest To Charges

Bradley Erickson pleaded no contest to four felony charges, including three counts of homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle and a charge of operating while intoxicated causing injury. Erickson registered a 0.158 percent on a Breathalyzer

Erickson graduated from Verona High School in 1998 and is an Iraq war veteran. Friends said that Erickson suffers from an extreme case of post-traumatic stress disorder. They said he was being treated for PTSD but that he sometimes used alcohol to cope. Sentencing will take place in about six weeks.

Nov 1, 2011 - War Veteran Sentenced For Fatal Drunken Driving Crash

Erickson To Serve 13 Years In Prison
Sentenced in Dane County Circuit Court. He was also sentenced to 15 years of extended supervision after serving his prison term.