University of Wisconsin Makes a Stand Against Racism
1956 - Madison, WI

In 1956, the Louisiana State Legislature (both House & Senate) unanimously voted for a bill that would "outlaw social events and athletic contests including both Negroes and whites." Governor Earl Long signed it into law.

LSU and the University of Wisconsin had a contact to play football twice twice over the next two years, in Madison in 1957, and Baton Rouge in 1958. The UW was the only team LSU had on their schedule for the next 5 years who had black players.

The sponsor of the bill, Rep. H. Lawrence Gibbs, didn't believe there was any chance Wisconsin would refuse to play them, assuming that the money to be made playing a national power like LSU would be enough.

In a Wisconsin State Journal article published July 18, 1956, Gibbs said "This will be a strong inducement for leaving their colored players at home." The next day UW's athletic department cancelled its football contract with LSU.

In 1959, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Louisiana law segregating games was unconstitutional.