Playboy #1 Party School Myth
Madison, WI

Some claim to remember seeing it. A ranking of Colleges/Universities for the top party schools. Some say the University of Wisconsin was left off the list because it would be unfair ranking professionals with amateurs.

Writer Doug Moe dug into this several times, even talking to staff at Playboy. A reader wrote to Playboy Advisor after seeing Moe's article and got an answer in the January 2002 issue.

Playboy only ranked top party schools once, in 1987, long after the timeframe people thought they saw it.

Playboy did publish articles in 1968 and 1976, the former about the most permissive campus where it did mention the UW as a party school.

The kicker is that Playboy receives letters from people monthly from many schools with the same belief, even the professionals with amateurs part. They are even offering a prize to the first person who can produce evidence of any rankings like this in their magazine.