Hostage Jumps to Cover while Police Gun Down Criminal at Credit Union
Dec 12, 2010 - Madison, WI

Daniel Thomas attempts to get into a house in the Waunona neighborhood claiming to be a utility worker, the owner doesn't fall for it and sends him away. Thomas goes to another house on Esther Beach Road, and forcefully enters the home with a gun to the face.

Thomas ties up Marvin Kontney to a gas pipe in the basement using black-nylon zip ties to bind his hands, ransacks the house taking money, jewelry, weapons, electronics and other items, and leaves with his debit card.

Before leaving, he warned that if the PINs provided were not correct, he would come back and kill him. He added that if Kontney managed to get free and call police, Thomas would "come back and kill him a different day."

Trapped in his basement, Kontney listened as his upstairs door opened and closed as Thomas carted out loot. About 45 minutes later Thomas returned. He told Kontney that he had successfully taken $500 from an ATM using Kontney's card. But he wanted more.

Thomas freed his captive and informed him the two were going to the credit union, where Kontney would withdraw more money. The two got into Kontney's Dodge Durango. Thomas drove. He "backed out of the driveway in a reckless manner, driving over the lawn." Once at the credit union, Kontney attempted to withdraw money from his account in the drive-thru. But something didn't sit right with the 24-year-old teller, recognizing the victim as a regular customer. When Thomas was looking down she mouthed the words, "Are you OK?" and he indicates he's not.

The teller asked her manager to call 911 and stalled the process long enough for police to arrive. The officers pulled directly in front of the Durango. Another customer had pulled in behind them.

Kontney jumped from the Durango as soon as he sees police arrive and hid behind a nearby ATM and alerting police that Thomas has a gun.

Thomas starts ramming the vehicle behind and the squad car in front of him, while still accelerating and ramming vehicles an officer fires five shots through the windshield and kills Thomas.

Daniel L. Thomas (30)
Marvin Kontney (63)
UW Credit Union - 200 E Broadway - Monona, WI