Kevin & KeMaury McArthur - Toddlers Brutally Killed by Mother's Boyfriend
Jul 6, 2011 - Madison, WI

Toddlers Kevin & KeMaury McArthur were found dead in a parked car near Covance clinical research laboratory. Based on security camera footage the boys were killed in the parking lot of the company at about 7 p.m. on Jul 5th. An officer spotted a gray Volvo at 2:39 a.m. parked in the Covance lot. When he approached the car, he saw a body in the back seat and discovered the body of a second child after forcing his way into the vehicle.

This is a case that began with domestic violence between the suspect and the boys' mother and involved a knife at the Moorland Road apartment that they shared. David Hoem, the boyfriend of the children's mother, turned himself in at the East District police station at the urging of family members who were in contact with him via cell phone.

Covance clinical research laboratory - 3402 Kinsman Blvd.
Kevin McArthur III (4)
KeMaury McArthur (3)
David J. Hoem (28)
Denise McGee - Mother

Hoem was going to represent himself at trial after firing five attorneys.

Hoem told police that the boys went to sleep after getting a "great big hug" from the biblical figure Daniel, who appeared in his car. He had strangled them.

Mar 6, 2012 - Madison, WI

Hoem changed his plea to guilty and received two life sentences without parole in boys' deaths.

Just a few days earlier, and accross the street, a three year old was killed by his mother