Carolyn Hudson Murder
Oct 14, 1983 - Madison, WI

Richard Wheeler was upset over paying child support to his ex wife, Carolyn Hudson, and hired someone to kill her. He had telephoned her four months earlier after receiving legal papers asking about his ability to pay more child support. "You're going to be shot" then hung up the phone.

Early in the morning Joseph Hecht broke into Hudson's Vondron Road home and shot her to death in front of her three children. Her 14-year-old daughter Jacqueline chased him out the door and wrote down the license number. Later that day he was arrested in Milwaukee, he admitted to being a contract killer but refused to tell police who had hired him.

Telephone records revealed a web of phone calls back and forth from Hecht to another man James Stomner, and from Stomner to Wheeler. Stomner turned down a deal by prosecutors that would have dropped all charges against him. In the end he received the same life sentence Wheeler got.

After the murder of her mother and conviction of her father, the daughter went to live with an uncle in Baraboo, where she finished high school. She attended UW-Madison and went to law school at Marquette. She traces her decision to go to law school to her admiration for Steve Bablitch, then a Dane County assistant district attorney and the lead prosecutor in the case. "He was my hero," She said. Asked if the memories of that terrible day in 1983 had stayed with her. "Oh, yes," she said. "I still remember that license plate number, G-U-2-5-6-2."

Hudson's husband at that time, Jim, was a Madison Police officer and on duty that morning. He was on his way to another call when news of the shooting came over the air. He went to their home but was kept from entering by another officer. Jim never got over the event. He resigned from the force in 1988, and in 1989, depressed and drinking too much, he got into an armed standoff with his former colleagues and was taken into custody outside his home.

Hecht briefly escaped during a 1985 University Hospital visit. He was apprehended on Glenway Golf Course
Now in minimum security, notorious ‘hit man’ murderer Joseph Hecht has a parole review in July (2021)
A hitman's bid for parole three decades after his crimes (2022)

Carolyn Messer Hudson (37) - Victim
James Leo Hudson -
Richard A. Wheeler - Ex Husband - Convicted of First-degree Murder-Party to a crime. Life sentence, paroled in 2004
Joseph M. Hecht III - Hired Killer - Sentenced to life in prison plus 15 years after pleading guilty to First-degree Murder. Still incarcerated as of May 2024
James T. Stomner - Middle Man - First-degree Murder Party to a crime. Life sentence, paroled in 2000
Jim Hudson -
Steve Bablitch -
Jacqueline Wheeler (14) - Daughter