Statue of Liberty Appears in Lake Mendota for First Time - "Miss Liberty"
1979 - Lake Mendota - Madison, WI

A life-size papier mache mock-up from the nose up of the real Statue of Liberty was an homage to the last scene of "Planet of the Apes." First erected on the ice near the Memorial Union in February 1979 it was a prank by the Pail and Shovel Party". This was the same group that covered Bascom Hill with 1,008 plastic pink flamingos. It was burned in March, a year later another was made.

The 1980 version has been kept in storage and makes occasional appearances, sometime in the mid ninties, and most recently in Feburary of 2009 for the Hoofers Winter Carnival. A foam head whose crown is 38 feet around, and the 40-foot torch.

Pail & Shovel Party
Leon Varjian
James Mallon