Chris Farley Funeral in Madison
Dec 23, 1997 - Madison, WI

Chris Farley died in Chicago on December 18th. His Funeral was in Madison at the Queen of Peace Catholic Church. In attendance along with friends and family were stars: Lorne Michaels, Dan Aykroyd, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Tom Arnold, George Wendt, John Goodman, Al Franken & Tim Meadows.

David Spade did not attend. He later said "It was too rough when it happened, I've never really dealt with it well." Spade did come to madison to honor Farley December 9, 2002 at the fifth-annual Comics Come. An event sponsered by The Chris Farley Foundation.

On the back of the remembrance accompanied by a picture of Farley was "A Clown's Prayer."
"As I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom, spread more cheer than despair... Never let me forget my work is to cheer people, make them happy, make them laugh."

Queen of Peace Catholic Church - 401 S. Owen Dr.
Chris Farley (33) - Interred at Resurrection Catholic Cemetery 2705 Regent St.

Farley was a member of SNL from 1990 until 1995.

Hollywood remembered Farley with a star on the Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard August 26, 2005