Elvis Presley Breaks Up Fight
Jun 24, 1977 - Madison, WI

Elvis arrived at the old Four Lakes Aviation around midnight. He was in town to do what would be his last show in Madison (He would die less then two months later), at the Dane County Coliseum. He got into the waiting limousine and the headed south on highway 51.

When they reached the traffic lights at East Washington Avenue Elvis saw Keith Lowry Jr. on the ground being beaten up by two teens at the Skyland Service Station. Wearing his trademark aviator sunglasses and "DEA Agent" navy blue jumpsuit over his sparkling stage outfit Elvis went flying out the door of the limo. When he reached the scene of the fight he said "I'll take you on." The two boys looked up at him and just stopped, Lowry ran into the gas station. Elvis got back into the limo and headed for his hotel room at the Sheraton.

Lowry's father was the gas station owner had fired one of the other youths for stealing from the station and had said he didn't want him around so he was trying to get the two off the property.


Keith Lowry Jr. (17)

Landmarker Designates Where Elvis Stopped a Street Fight - youTube Video
'Elvis Memphis to Madison 1977' - Elvis Information Network