Village Cemetery
1103 Spaight St. - Block 180     Established in 1846, 246 Burial Plots - No Longer a Cemetery - Now Orton Park

Begining in Septemebr 1859 remains were removed from the Village Cemetery and reburied at Forest Hill Cemetery. Burials continued at the Village Cemetery however in lots that had already been sold. Eventually, all of the remains that could be located were moved, and the block became Orton Park in 1888.

January 3, 1857

The city buys Forest Hills for $10,000 in bonds, ending a long search for a new cemetery to replace the east side burying ground that was unkept, open to wild animals, and quickly filling due to several cholera outbreaks.

October, 1879

With Council approval but private funds, a contract is issued to clean the old Third Ward cemetery grounds off Spaight street.